Osteopathy for Infants and Babies

Newborn Also Need Osteopathy Treatments

Osteopathy for Infants and Babies

Infants and babies who have undergone a birth trauma could spend their first week of life sleeping. However, after this period, they start to experience the symptoms and effects of such trauma.

If your baby has suffered such trauma and showing symptoms like sleep/breastfeed difficulties, reflux, colic or irritable crying, it would be better to seek Osteopathy treatment. This is essential, as an osteopath can identify the cause behind any of these disorders and treat them effectively.  

Discussed below are some of the common issues and problems that babies and children may experience during the early phase of their life. 

Breastfeeding Difficulties

Babies may feel difficulty while breastfeeding. Some of the main cause of such difficulty includes reflux, tongue-tie or swallowing issues. Moreover, insufficient latch serves as a reason for a baby to tire quickly and sleep after a few minutes of breastfeeding.


Explosive stools and flatulent baby (farty baby) are the common signs of colic. Parents may hear loud gurgling abdomen sounds. In some cases, the bloated stomach also appears to be a cause of colic. As a result, the baby may continue to cry for a couple of hours.

Ear Infections

This is another problem that babies commonly experience. Ear infection is a result of the blockage, caused by the compression of Eustachian tube. This stops the drainage of fluids and causes ear infections. The baby may feel ear pain, restlessness, discomfort, and sleep disorder.


The stomach valve of a baby with Reflux fails to shut off properly. As a result, a small amount of semi-digested milk starts to come up into the esophagus and even in the mouth. The baby may often cry while feeding and appears to be restless after feeding. The main cause of reflux is diaphragm distortions, which relates to the stress felt by the baby’s body during birth. 

Osteopathy Treatment for Babies and Children

Osteopathy for babies and children is safe, gentle and effective. Osteopaths apply a subtle pressure on the affected area to release the tension or stress. The manipulation techniques employed during osteopathy for children help to ease complicated strain patterns in joints, fascia, ligament, bone, organs, and muscle nerves.

Our Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda facility offers specialized osteopathy for babies and infants. Cranial osteopathy, for instance, is an ideal treatment to deal with the issues compressed cranial nerves and central nervous system.

Cranial nerves play a vital role while assisting a child’s body to perform numerous functions like digestion, smell, taste, peristalsis, sucking, chewing, balance, and vision. Our qualified Osteopaths in Miranda, carefully assess the baby and look for any signs of disorder or deformity.

Osteopathy Treatment for Breastfeeding difficulties

If your baby is experiencing breastfeeding difficulties, our specialized osteopathic treatment can help you to resolve this problem. By treating the jaw, palate, and nerves associated with the tongue, the starts to have enough latch. Hence, the baby starts to feel comfortable while feeding, even after a couple of sessions.

Osteopathic Treatment for Colic

According to some authentic osteopathic findings, the major cause of colic in babies is related to the tensions of the diaphragm. Osteopathy for babies can help treat this disorder. By applying gentle pressure, an osteopath tries to release stress experienced by diaphragm tissues and muscles.

Osteopathy Treatment for Reflux

Parents usually report that their babies cry a lot within the first 20 minutes of feeding. Some babies may continue to cry even after feeding. This is the most common sign of reflux. In addition, the baby with reflux also spit a small amount of milk.

The Osteopathy for children and babies helps to identify the root cause of a problem and then treat it. Our Osteopaths in Miranda clinic use gentle and soft osteopathic techniques to release abdominal distortions. This improves the functionality of the valve and resolves the reflux issue

Besides above-mentioned issues, our osteopathic treatment also helps to handle the problem of learning difficulties. After a few sessions, the child will start to calm down, sleep well, and enjoy feeding time. This improves the overall health and learning abilities of a child. Moreover, Osteopathy for babiesalso improves the speech of your child.

Why Us

We are one of the best and most recommended Osteopaths in Miranda. If you are looking for top-notch osteopathic services such as Osteopathy for babies, look no further to Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda.Our qualified osteopaths have the knowledge and skills to offer result-orientedtreatments.

For more information on osteopathy for children or consultation, just feel free to call us during our office hours. We will be more than happy to help you and your child to live a perfect life.