Neck Pain / Whiplash


Osteopathy is highly effective in treating a wide range of neck conditions including whiplash, stiffness, torticollis, tension headaches and slipped disc that are also related to neck pain.

As a matter of fact, most of the patients develop a stiff and painful neck without any obvious reason. This condition is even experienced after a minor twisting injury or sleeping/sitting in a draught. The basic cause for this kind of neck pain isn’t identified; hence it is referred as a non-specific neck pain. If you are suffering from this type of non-specific neck pain, it does not suggest that your neck is damaged.


Neck pain involves a sudden, debilitating pain that restricts movement and causes general discomfort. Usually, neck stiffness due to prolonged office working or driving is the cause of such a pain. Osteopaths can investigate and treat any of the symptoms associated with neck pain including TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint) dysfunction, jaw pain, upper back pain, headaches, and shoulder pain.

Neck pain is also associated with numerous other symptoms such as pins and needles, numbness, and weakness in the fingers or arms.


At Osteopath Sutherland Shire we use different techniques that have proven their effectiveness while treating acute neck pain. Some of the widely used techniques include soft tissue therapy and mobilisation to restore neck joint position, reduce pain, and improve muscle activation. The method of articulation and manipulation for joint release is also used when required.

Call for an appointment – Sutherland Shire  (02) 9524 4620