Treat Knee Pain With Osteopathy

Treat Knee Injuries with Osteopathy at Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda

Knee injury is a common problem among humanity. At some stage of life, people experience knee pain due to one reason or another. The knee structure includes tendons, cartilage, bones, bursas, muscles, and ligaments. So, there are various reasons why you may experience knee pain.

A knee injury or pain ranges from little pain to serious injury when you can’t stand or walk. From elders to toddlers, anyone can experience knee injuries. It can be a minor injury or chronic depending on the situation.

There are various ways to handle knee pain and live a normal life. From a pain killer to modern techniques, you have a lot of options. However, osteopathic treatment is the safest and harmless way to tackle a knee injury. Whether you have dislocated your knee or experience chronic pain, an osteopath can help you recover in no time.

In this article, we will discuss the causes of knee pain, how you can reduce it, and how osteopathy helps you overcome it.

Knee Pain Causes

Knee injury usually comes from collisions and falls. Knee pain usually comes from problems in muscle mechanics and issues with the kneecap.

Osteopathic treatment involves finding the right cause and treating it accurately. An osteopath will bring back the mechanical balance of your knee and relevant regions. It will give you pain relief allowing you to move confidently.

Osteopathy is a modern way of treatment. So, your osteopath will guide you if you need any extra medical assessment.

How Osteopaths Examine Knee?

Before visiting an osteopath, you may have some concerns that how they will handle it. You may want to know how they will examine your knee. Will it cause you pain? The aim of an osteopath is to recover your knee and bring it back to normal with no delay.

Osteopaths will initiate the process by getting your history including accidents, healthy issues, surgeries, or any past injury. Moreover, they try to look for the cause behind the pain. They will ask you about symptoms.

Once an osteopath will have your history, they will begin the examination. They will hold your leg and examine how the muscles are working and what is the position of joints. Moreover, is there any tenderness or tension? It helps in understanding which muscles, joints, or ligaments are causing the real problem.

Apart from the knee, they will consider other relevant parts as well including hips, feet up, ankle, etc. You never know which part is causing the pain until you examine everything. There are possibilities that the knee pain is caused by other parts of the body.

How to Reduce Knee Pain?

Once your osteopath will determine the cause of pain, they will suggest you an osteopathic treatment. Depending on the cause, they may suggest gentle exercise, heating, ice packs, stretching, rest, creams, supplements, compression support, and strengthening appropriate muscles.

Furthermore, the knee bears most of your weight. You need to maintain your weight to maintain its normality. When you gain weight, you put extra pressure on your knee which leads to pain and injuries. Regular exercise can help you reduce knee pain if it is caused by extra weight. Chronic pain can be reduced by swimming or playing tennis.

Depending on the root cause, your osteopath will give you a plan. By following the guide, you will not only get rid of your pain but also return to normal life.

Why Choose Osteopathic Treatment?

When it comes to osteopathy, you may wonder why you should choose it instead of medical treatment. The first and most important reason is that it is a holistic way. Osteopath doesn’t only focus on the knee but your entire body. They consider everything that could affect your knee. The whole-body approach solves the issue accurately and brings you back to normal life. Osteopaths can’t only treat knee pains, but also help in post-surgery problems.


Osteopathy is one of the best ways to handle knee injuries. Osteopaths consider everything and look for the root cause of the pain. Any treatment that focuses on the cause of pain and removes it is more effective than other treatments. Since there is no harm to osteopathic treatment, there is no reason why you should not go for it.

Are you experiencing any knee pains? Are you confused that whether you should visit an osteopath? How to find an osteopath near me? If you have these questions in mind, visit Osteopath Sutherland Shire Miranda and they will clear your doubts instantly.

Call Now! 9524 4620 or Book Online

Treat Leg Pain With Osteopathy

Get leg pain treated at Osteopath Sutherland Shire

Legs are an important part of our body as they allow you to move from one place to another. Legs bear our weight all the time allowing us to stand and walk. Without proper care of the legs, you can damage them, which could result in pain or injury.

Depending on the pain, there could be many reasons for it. Usually, leg pain is related to nerves, muscles, soft tissues, bones, blood vessels, and joints.

Osteopaths are experienced professionals who know how these parts work in the human body. They know how to manage pain and remain in a healthy position. If there is a situation where you need medical treatment, your osteopath will guide you for sure.

In this article, we will discuss types of leg pain, symptoms, causes, and how to manage it effectively.

Types, Causes, and Symptoms of Leg Pain

Hamstring Strain

The most common cause of hamstring strain is excessive running. When you overstretch or play sports without a proper warm-up, it could result in a hamstring strain. An osteopath should be able to guide you regarding how to reduce the pain and avoid it in the future.

Compartment Syndrome

Due to an injury, you may experience swelling in the leg. If the applied pressure is too strong, it can lead to compartment syndrome. From bruising to fracture, there are many reasons why it happens.

In serious cases, you may feel numbness or paralysis resulting in permanent muscle damage. Take it seriously and visit the healthcare provided immediately.

Sciatic nerve pain

When extra pressure is applied to a nerve in the spine that is running down to the leg, it can cause sciatica. When a nerve is pinched due to any reason, you experience pain.

Ovarian Cancer

Unfortunately, ovarian cancer causes swelling and pain in the legs.

Popliteus Tendinitis

Due to inflammation of the popliteus tendon, you feel pain while walking or running on an uneven surface. Visit an osteopath can solve this issue and prevent it in the future if you follow their instructions.

Stress Fractures

Due to repetitive movements, you may experience stress structures. These structures occur when the intensity of activity increases suddenly. In such a case, there is no visible injury, but you feel painful sensations. Osteopathic treatment can solve it without any problem.


When a blood clot occurs in the veins of a leg, it is called DVT. It happens due to sitting for long durations. The symptoms could be pain and swelling on the leg. You may only feel pain when you move or stand on the legs.

Normally, it disappears automatically. However, if you experience dizziness or shortness of breath, you should visit a hospital immediately.


PAD can cause you serious trouble if goes untreated. When there is an issue in blood circulation, you feel pain. Due to a restricted supply of blood, your legs don’t get enough oxygen and other nutrients resulting in pain.

The common symptoms are pain in the buttocks, feet, and thighs. Moreover, you feel cramps during exercise and feel pain while climbing stairs.

Leg Cramps

Legs cramps usually last for 10 to 15 minutes. Usually, it happens due to the tightening of the lower leg. You mostly experience cramps at night. It is more common in elderly people. 

How do Osteopaths deal with Leg Pain?

When it comes to osteopathy, it is important to discuss your history and symptoms to address the problem. The osteopath will most probably conduct a session before initiating any treatment. After the discussion, they will examine the leg and fully understand the situation.

Once the osteopath will understand your condition, they will speak with you once again. Now, they will discuss treatment options and share advice regarding how to prevent the situation in the future.

In minor cases, osteopaths give you a targeted massage or ask you to stretch in a particular way. In severe cases, they may apply pressure on certain areas of the leg to give you pain relief. Moreover, they may work in other areas that are causing the problem. You may need more than one session to completely recover.

Once you recover, your osteopath will guide you in detail regarding how to avoid such injuries in the future.

Find an Osteopath Near Me

Are you looking for an osteopath in your area? Are you confused regarding how to find an osteopath near me? Gladly, you have come to the right place.

Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda is one of the most experienced osteopaths in the region. If you want any guidance or have any concerns, you can visit us and talk to our professionals.

Call Now! 9524 4620 or Book Online

Slipped Disc

Sliped Disc Pain needs an Osteopath
Slipped Disc causing back pain

Talking about the disc located in our spine, it’s a shock-absorbing tissue located within each vertebra. The basic purpose of the disc is to absorb the pressure and shock faced by the spine. This helps to protect the vertebra as well as the spine.

In this article, we are going to throw some light over a particular disorder known as a slipped disc and its management through osteopathy treatment.

What is Slipped Disc Disorder?
In fact, the slipped disc is a condition where the soft part of the disc starts to bulge out. This prolapse tends to exert some pressure on the spinal cord, which results in a variety of symptoms associated with the issue of slipped disc disorder.

However, it’s essential to consider that most of the people suffering from this disorder don’t experience any kind of noticeable symptoms.

Cause of a Slipped Disc
Normally, the main cause of a slipped disc is the breaking down of the circle that engulfs the connective tissue. It weakens the boundary of the connective tissues, which results in the bulging of the disc. This normally happens when a person gets older.

Furthermore, hard physical labor may also cause slipped disc. This condition is also observed after an injury, trauma or traffic accident.

Symptoms of Slipped Disc

Depending on the kind of damage to the nerves, symptoms differ from patient to patient. This disorder usually affects the lower back, causing severe back pain and restricting the movement. Some of the other symptoms include:

  • Paralysis of a single muscle
  • Possibly of debilitating pain that radiates through the legs or arms
  • Failure to control the bladder function
  • Disturbing feel in the rectum
  • In severe condition, paralysis of both legs

Slipped Disc Treatment through Osteotherapy

No matter whether it’s a minor strain, prolapse or protrusion, the disc has surely received some sort of damage. As a result, it needs time and proper care for its repair. When it comes to osteopathy treatment, an experienced doctor of Osteopathy tries to find out the cause of such a disorder.

Here at Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda, we also pay attention to identify the true cause of a disorder and then offer the required treatment. Therefore, while treating the issue of disc slip, we encourage the repair process by assisting the spine to heal itself.

It involves easing the protective spasm around the slipped disc. In order to manage this disorder and reduce the chances of recurrence, we advise postural tips to the patient. Moreover, other types of techniques involve stretching, hot or cold packs, and other mobility exercises.

The most noticeable advantage of osteopathy treatment is its ability to minimize recovery time. As a result, patients tend to get back on their feet much quicker. An osteopath tries to lower the muscle spasm, which is the major cause of stiffness and pain.

Through this type of treatment, the chances of scar tissue formation are also reduced. In addition, an osteopath not only treats the affected area but also pays attention to the surrounding areas. This helps to minimize the pressure on the slipped disc.

Talking about the traditional medical approach, it involves pain management through muscles relaxants and painkillers. In some cases, surgery is the ultimate choice for treating slipped disc disorder.

On the contrary, osteopathic treatment assists the natural healing process by providing the appropriate conditions to the damaged disc. Osteopathy treatmentnot only relieves the pain and discomfort but also lowers the recovery time.

How we can Help?

Here at Ostreopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda, we are committed to providing state of the art osteopathic treatment to our patients. Through our tried and tested osteopathic techniques, it is possible to speed up the process of recovery. Especially, in case of slipped disc, our specialized osteopaths know exactly how to treat this disorder.

Since we have years of experience, you can rely on us while dealing with your slipped disc issue. By using specific techniques, we release the pressure around protective muscle spasm. This particular part of the disc protects the symptomatic disc. It helps to lower back pain and enhance the functionality of your spine.

In addition, we also assist and advise the patients while managing their condition. Although anti-inflammatory and pain management prescriptions can prove to be helpful, relying solely on them won’t be appropriate.

It is beneficial to know the cause of the slipped disc issue. It serves as a key element while treating the disorder within less time. Furthermore, it also prevents the reoccurrence of this issue in the future. At Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda, we do emphasis on guiding and educating our patients.

Osteopathy Treatments for Shoulder Pain In Miranda

Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda treating Shoulder Pain

In fact, shoulder pain is a common disorder and there are numerous reasons why people face this issue. Here we will take a look at the possible causes of shoulder pain and its treatment through Osteotherapy. So, without lingering the intro, let’s dive into the main section of our topic.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

As stated earlier, the causes of developing shoulder pain are numerous. This kind of pain can persist for days, months or may continue for years. The major cause of shoulder pain is the inflammation within the shoulder joints. This situation arises when the tendons, ligaments or muscles are damaged.

The most common of all reasons for shoulder pain is an injury to the rotator cuff. It usually happens when the bursa of your shoulder or the rotator muscle tendons receive some damage. In addition, the excessive movement or dislocation of the shoulder joint can cause shoulder pain.

There are some patients, who complain about stiffness and discomfort. This situation is normally referred to as the frozen shoulder. Furthermore, impingement syndromes may also result in pain and reduce the mobility of a patient.

Patients with medical history like shoulder surgery or trauma are likely to experience shoulder pain.  The symptoms of such a problem may include stiffness, swelling, aching or stabbing pains.

Types of Shoulder Pain

Given below are some of the most common types of shoulder pain.

Acromioclavicular Joint Pain: This condition relates to the painful joint, which is located on the tip of your shoulder. The patient feels pain in the area located between the shoulder blade join and collarbone.

Referred Shoulder Pain: During this type of shoulder pain, the patient experiences the pain away from the actual site of injury.  The pain is caused due to the injury in the upper back or neck area. The pain of such an injury is occasionally felt in the shoulder.

Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder: It’s a kind of gradual and painful stiffening of the shoulder capsule. The shoulder becomes so painful and stiff that it results in limited mobility. You can’t even move your arm to perform your everyday activities.

Rotator Cuff Problem: This type of pain is felt in the upper arm and shoulder area. You experience severe pain while lifting one or both your arms. The expected cause of this type of shoulder pain relates to the extensive use of arm and shoulder by a sportsperson.

Osteoarthritis: It’s a condition, which relates to the progressive wear and tear of the cartilage located in between the joints. The cartilage prevents the rubbing of two bones and when this part of a joint is damaged, you experience pain.

Treating Shoulder Pain through Osteotherapy

The shoulder pain may turn out to be a complex problem, which requires extensive treatment. Talking about the osteotherapy, this kind of treatment relies mainly on analyzing the true cause of a disease. Similar is the case with shoulder pain, as the osteopaths investigate the reason behind this kind of disorder or pain.

Through the manipulation of the shoulder joints, it is possible to loosen the stiffness and reduce the pain. Furthermore, the articulation and mobilization techniques also help to improve mobility.

Hence, osteotherapy can prove to be helpful while identifying and dealing with the causes of shoulder pain. As a result, it can assist the patients to get rid of the shoulder pain and improve their mobility.

How Osteopath Sutherland Shire can Help?

The Osteopath Sutherland Shire offers the services of their experienced and qualified osteopaths. After taking into account the condition and age of a patient, we may apply the suitable rhythmical articulation, massage, and stretching techniques. This helps to reduce stiffness and improve the movement.

Since every individual is different, so is the treatment. In some cases, the osteopaths try to loosen the neck and back muscles to relieve the sensation of pain in the shoulder. On the contrary, the shoulder pain is also treated by working on the lower back and hip area. This type of pain is termed as referred shoulder pain.

In addition, we may also suggest some loosening and strengthening exercises to minimize shoulder pain. The bad sitting posture also causes shoulder pain in most of the instances. To deal with such an issue, we try to change the lifestyle habits and posture of the patients.

Osteopath Near Me

If you are living in the Sutherland Shire or areas close to it, Osteopath Sutherland Shire offers all types of osteopathy treatments. By taking into account the true cause behind such damage, shoulder pain can be treated through Osteotherapy. The treatment may be started right away and the condition of the patient is further investigated to true underlying cause, so give us a call or book online for an appointment.

Osteopathy Treatments to Foot and Ankle Injuries

Osteopathy Therapy for the Foot and Ankle at Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda

No doubt, foot/ankle injuries are some of the most common types of disorders that are experienced by sports people or those who live an active lifestyle. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the main foot/ankle injuries and their treatment through osteotherapy.

Types of Foot/Ankle Injuries

Below are some of the most common foot/ankle injuries.

Achilles Tendonitis or Tear

In fact, Achilles is the largest tendon in our body. It connects the calf muscles to the heel. The tendon goes to the back of the ankle, which may face an inflammation issue due to overuse. This particular condition is referred to as the Achilles Tendonitis, which causes severe pain and discomfort in the ankle. This limits the mobility of the patient, causing other parts of the body to get strained.

Ankle Sprain

Ligaments provide strength and stability to the joints by connecting bones with the muscles. The specific ligaments located in the ankle prevent the joint from exceeding its mobility limit. However, when the sprain occurs, it tends to rupture or torn the ligaments.

Depending on the damage caused to the ligaments, the sprains can be minor or serious. It can affect the syndesmotic ligament, which causes a lot of pain and imbalances the muscles. On the contrary, there are certain minor sprains, which you can treat by resting.

Foot Fractures

The repetitive and excessive force can result in microscopic damage to the foot bones.  During this condition, bones and muscles don’t receive time to heal in between the activities like workout sessions. As a result, the tiny cracks start to appear in the foot bones.

Ankle Fractures

Ankle fractures are the common outcome of an impact or traumatic injury. In fact, ankle fractures are relatively different than an ankle sprain, yet the symptoms of both these disorders are somewhat similar. Hence, the patient should consider visiting one of the most reliable and experienced osteopathsfor a proper diagnosis.

The ankle fracture can cause pain, deformity, bruising, swelling, blistering or similar other symptoms.  Since it’s a serious injury, you need to see an Osteo doctor. This is so, as a qualified osteopath is capable of diagnosing the true cause of ankle pain and offering the required treatment.

Plantar Fasciitis

It is one of the most usual ankle and ankle injuries. This kind of injury results in the inflammation of fascia band of the tissues. As a result, the patient feels debilitating pain in the heel and surrounding area. The minor cases of Plantar Fasciitis are usually resolved with some rest, stretching and ice treatment.

On the contrary, a severe type of Plantar Fasciitis needs proper care and treatment. If you are experiencing this type of foot or ankle pain, you can rely on the experience of Osteopathsserving in the Osteopath Sutherland Shire.

What Causes Foot/Ankle Pain

Listed below are a few of the most common causes of foot/ankle pain.

  • Dislocation of ankle
  • Inflammation of Tendons
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sprained ankle
  • Dropped arches
  • Bunions- deviation
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Tibia- traumatic origin
  • Tendon or muscle tear
  • Recurrent acute inflammatory arthritis
  • Calcaneal Spur

Treating Foot/Ankle Injuries with Osteotherapy

Osteopaths offer required treatment after diagnosing and identifying the cause of pain or discomfort in any part of the body. This is the area where you can rely on the expertise of an osteo doctor. Our highly qualified team of osteopaths at Osteopath Sutherland Shire is capable of treating all types of foot/ankle injuries.

During the initial stage of treatment, we suggest the patients to avoid lifting heavyweights. Furthermore, we apply a variety of non-invasive therapies and techniques. The Osteopathic intervention also includes physical therapy of the affected area. In addition, muscle stress or strain is eliminated through stretching.

Some of the widely used osteotherapy treatments include:

  • Massage
  • Joint manipulation
  • Soft tissue stretching
  • Deep friction
  • Immobilization

Osteopathy isn’t only effective while treating the pain locally, but it also helps to identify the true cause behind the pain or discomfort. In this way, the patient can enjoy the long-lasting effects of osteopathic treatment.

When dealing with soft tissue injuries, our osteopaths conduct different tests to identify the tissue responsible for such discomfort. On the other hand, traumatic foot/ankle injuries may cause bruising, swelling, and significant pain. Normally, the patients are referred to GP for an MRI scan to analyze the condition.

How we can help?

Here atOsteopath Sutherland Shire, we are committed to provide a wide range of osteotherapy services including the treatment of foot and ankle injuries. If you are suffering from foot or ankle pain, our experienced osteopaths can help you while relieving the pain and offering specific treatment.

We are determined to assist people so that they can regain their mobility and wellness. So whenever, you need the services of an osteo doctor, feel free to visit our office in the Sutherland Shire at Miranda.   

Paediatric Osteopathy

Osteopath for Babies Sutherland Shire

Paediatric osteopathy relates to an effective yet gentle treatment, which is suitable for children of all ages. This type of osteopathic treatment helps to deal with various health issues faced by the kids during their development phase.

At Osteopath Sutherland Shire, our experienced osteopaths carefully analyze the body of a child and identify the core issue. The treatment offered by a child osteopath is non-invasive, which means that the child won’t feel any pain when undergoing paediatric osteopathy.

Paediatric Osteopathy for Infants

The body of an infant undergoes a huge amount of stress during pregnancy and at the time of birth. These strains affect the self-healing ability of the child’s body, which results in lower immunity. As a result, the infant starts to feel the negative impacts of musculoskeletal tensions.  

This may lead to prolonged restrictions regarding the proper functioning of a body. The most common issue faced by the children is malfunctioning of the digestive system, which causes pain and discomfort. The infant suffering from this disorder exhibit unsettled behavior and crying.

The treatment offered by a child osteopath proves to be effective when treating children with different health-related issues. These professionals have undergone postgraduate training in the field of the physiology and anatomy of the children/infants. This allows them to work on the disorders and issues faced by the kids.

How Paediatric Osteopathy Works?

While offering osteopathy treatment, Osteo for kidsutilizes a variety of techniques to diagnose the problem and address the issue by strengthening the healing mechanisms of a child’s body. This type of natural therapy helps to identify and treat mobility restrictions and other problems.

At Osteopath Sutherland Shire, our highly skilled osteopaths work on the musculoskeletal disorders of the body. These professionals thoroughly examine the condition and working of the bones, connective tissues and muscles. This helps to identify the problems and restore the natural balance of your baby’s body.

Moreover, we analyze the body by taking into consideration the postural and functional angle. This suggests that we don’t only focus on the troubled area but treat the body as a whole. This is known as a holistic approach, which assists the osteopaths to identify the root cause of a problem.

What types of Disorders Paediatric Osteopathy can treat?

Osteopathic treatment for infants and kids can address a wide range of disorders. Especially, whentreating children, qualified osteopaths focus on the specific issues that cause the ailments. An osteo for kids tries to ease the stress in the different parts of the body and helps to reduce the pain.

Osteopathic treatment is a secure and effective way to treat the following conditions.

  • Learning difficulties
  • Sticky eyes or blocked tear ducts
  • ADHD, Autism
  • Glue ear or ear Infections
  • Developmental delays
  • Sleep disorders

Cranial Osteopathy for Kids

Cranial Osteopathy is a safe and gentle approach, which is usually followed while treating children facing various disorders. During this procedure, a qualified osteo for kids applies light pressure to different areas of the body and head.

The basic focus of this treatment is to restore the natural state of balance, promoting the ability of a body to heal itself. Especially, cranial osteopathy is beneficial for babies, which helps to relieve the pain or discomfort by releasing the strain and tension.

Paediatric Osteopathy is a Safe Treatment

The professionals offering osteopathic treatment to the kids are highly skilled. In addition, they have obtained special training in the field of paediatric osteopathy. These professionals help the kids to improve their wellbeing by addressing various health issues.

When treating children, osteopaths offer spinal manipulation by applying subtle pressure. The techniques used for this treatment are specifically designed for treating infants and children. Therefore, paediatric osteopathy is as safe as any other treatment offered to the kids.  

The osteopathic treatment for infants and children is gentle and usually involves massage, rhythmic movement, and subtle articulation of the cranial bones. The procedure is relaxing rather than painful. Hence, infants often fall asleep when undergoing paediatric osteopathy.

Besides, the child osteopath team serving at Osteopath Sutherland Shire works in close collaboration with the other healthcare professionals. We also suggest some exercises to the patients, which enhance the impact of treatment sessions and help to improve their condition.

The duration of each session depends on the type of disorder and age of a child. The child osteopath first asks the parent regarding any pregnancy or birth related issues faced by the infant. After that, the osteopath collects information about the bowel function, feeding habits, developmental milestones, and play activities.

Advantages and disadvantages of Osteopathy

Osteopath Therapy at osteopath Sutherland Shire

Is osteopathy real? Most of the people are still asking this question. The answer to this question is ‘Yes’, as osteopathic manipulative treatment offers long-term relief from the symptoms of various musculoskeletal disorders.

In fact, osteopathy is a specialized field of medicine, which aims at treating the ailments associated with the malfunctioning of the bones, muscles and circulatory system. Besides, this therapy also helps to reduce the issues related to the nervous system, which is interconnected with the bones and muscles.

The techniques used during this type of manipulative therapy are more than a hundred years old. At our Osteopath Sutherland Shire facility, we utilize most of these techniques to relieve our patients from various disorders.

Given below are the advantages and disadvantages of osteopathic manipulative treatment. This information will give you an idea that whether this treatment is beneficial for you or not.

Advantages of Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a type of treatment, which is helpful to treat a wide range of disorders. Some of the advantages linked with this therapy are mentioned below.

Noninvasive Treatment

The most noticeable aspect of this treatment is the fact that it involves a completely noninvasive procedure. Moreover, no surgery is needed to treat a patient. The techniques used during osteotherapy are usually relaxing rather than painful.

This is a manual treatment, as hands are the only tools used for diagnosis and treatment while offering this therapy. Besides the hands-on therapy, the osteopaths serving at Osteopath Sutherland Shire also suggest some dietary changes.

Osteopathy doesn’t involve any kind of pain or discomfort. Hence, patients of all ages can undergo this treatment without any fear. Osteopaths treat musculoskeletal issues by implementing gentle manipulative techniques.

No Medication

If you are visiting a general practitioner or doctor to get yourself treated, you may undergo various physical tests and have to consume a lot of medication. Medication has its toll on other parts of the body, which casts a negative impact on their proper functioning.

On the contrary, osteopathy doesn’t involve any kind of medication. Hence, your body doesn’t have to face the consequences of the chemicals used in different medicines. This means there are no major side effects. So, you can relieve yourself from any kind of chronic pain by simply visiting an osteopathy facility like Osteopath Sutherland Shire. 

Treats a Wide Range of Ailments

Osteopathy turns out to be a viable treatment while curing numerous diseases and conditions. The list of ailments that osteopathy can treat is extensive. Some of them include back pain, Neck pain, physical stress, injuries, menstrual pain, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, anxiety, tennis elbow, and even asthma.

Osteopathy can completely treat most of these diseases, while others are partially cured. However, it is certain that you will experience substantial relief after receiving osteopathic treatment. If you are convinced, find an osteopath at Osteopath Sutherland Shire in Miranda.

Preventive Therapy

Apart from providing cure and relief, osteopathy also prevents your body from various ailments. Through regular osteopathy treatment, you can improve your health and live a better life. It helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system of a body and prevents any kind of injury.

Medical Insurance Claim

Almost every major insurance company supports osteopathy treatment claims. Hence, if you are in need of osteopathic treatment, you can get these services without thinking about the expenses. You are not required to visit your GP to seek a referral in most cases. However, you need to check for the requirements of your insurance policy.

Disadvantages of Osteopathy

Although there are numerous advantages of osteopathy, there are a few disadvantages associated with this treatment. Some of these disadvantages are as under.

The Scope is quite limited

Osteopathic treatment is not recommended for serious ailments or those, which require surgical treatment. For instance, it is not possible to treat serious muscles or bones disorders, complicated ailments, and extreme injuries. In addition, the patient won’t feel any kind of relief from chronic pain associated with such ailments.

Not Recommended in Some Cases

In some cases, GPs don’t recommend this type of treatment. This is so, as by seeking this therapy, the condition of a patient may worsen. For example, a patient suffering from joint/bone infection, unexplained inflammation or bone cancer shouldn’t receive osteopathic treatment.

Side Effects

Osteopathy does have some kind of side effects. This may include soreness and fatigue in the affected area. However, these side effects are temporary and won’t bother you for more than a day or two.

Time Needed Recovery

The results of an osteopathic treatment usually vary from patient to patient. However, when considering the overall recovery rate of this treatment, time is needed and a few treatments as one treatment will not help as much compared to a few treatments which will be needed.

How Does Osteopathy Work?

Sliped Disc Pain needs an Osteopathy treatment to get that relief you need

Osteopathy is a non-invasive and drug-free therapy, which focuses on improving the overall health of a body. This goal is achieved by strengthening the musculoskeletal framework by applying manipulating techniques.

Osteotherapy involves the diagnosis and treatment of the problems related to the spine, muscles, and joints. This is done by aiming at the root cause of the disorder and treating it by removing any stress or tension associated with the circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems of a body.

Since this is a manual treatment; hence, the diagnosis and treatment is carried out by using only the hands. It is a therapy, which provides the best possible outcomes with a view to improving the overall health of a patient.

Facts about Osteopathy

Since the therapist study complete osteopathy courses, they are referred to as qualified medical doctors (MDs). These professionals undergo extensive training just like any other complementary therapists.

In order to understand what osteopathy is, just look at these facts

  • Osteopathy is a non-invasive manual therapy, which is used to treat the various disorders including pain, discomfort, mobility restrictions and injuries
  • Osteotherapy considers a holistic approach when treating the problems
  • This therapy involves ‘hands-on’ techniques to address the issues
  • It improves circulation and helps to maintain ideal blood pressure
  • An osteopath not only aims at a specific area but works on the whole body to stimulate the natural healing ability of a body
  • Osteopathic treatment involves manual techniques, which balances the body systems and ensures complete wellbeing

How it Works

While diagnosing and treating a medical condition, the osteopath uses manipulative techniques. In fact, osteotherapy is a non-invasive procedure, which allows the therapists to release the stress and tension experienced by the body.

The techniques applied by the osteopaths include gentle pressure, stretching, and resistance. These are collectively known as osteopathic manipulative techniques. Such techniques help to reduce pain and improve posture.

Apart from this, the patient is also suggested with some exercises to improve mobility. This also includes suggesting warm-up movements. For instance, learning to stretch the body before a workout can reduce the chances of an injury.

Here at Osteopath Sutherland Shire, wealso recommend some lifestyle changes, which can dramatically improve the health and reduce the risk of future disorders. You can prevent injuries by living an active lifestyle. This allows you to enjoy the advantages of healthy living.

Besides, osteopaths may also prescribe some drugs and surgical treatments with a view to treating a specific condition.

Conditions Treated by Osteopathy

Most of the osteopaths also serve in the field of internal medicine, family medicine, and pediatrics. Osteotherapy can treat a variety of conditions, some of them are listed below.

  • Elbow, shoulder, and hand pain
  • Tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Postural problems due to pregnancy
  • Foot, hip, ankle, and knee pain
  • Digestive issues, sports injury
  • Driving or work strain
  • Neck pain, back pain, and sciatica
  • Headaches, neuralgia, and arthritis

If an osteopath concludes that a certain condition is not treatable through osteopathy, the patient is referred to a concerned specialist.

Is Osteopathy Effective?

Osteotherapy is not just one treatment; it is a system of a variety of manual therapies. An osteopath utilizes different techniques to treat various disorders. Studies have shown that osteopathy is an effective way to treat various ailments just like any other medical care or physiotherapy treatments.

It helps to reduce the back, neck, shoulder and other varieties of pains in the body. This treatment also minimizes the use of pain medication. The publication of the latest evidence regarding the effectiveness of osteopathy reveals that this treatment can also benefit the patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and migraine.

Things to consider when Opting for Osteopathic Treatment

Usually, when you need an osteopath, it is essential to know whether your osteopath is accredited by Osteopathy Australia. You can ask about the license to practice if it is not visible at the clinic or osteotherapy facility.

When a primary care physician or general practitioner refers you to an osteopathic facility, make sure that it holds a good reputation. On the contrary, if you are a self-referring patient, it is essential to inform your GP that you are going to seek an osteopathic treatment.

Make sure that your osteopath offers a patient-centric treatment. This suggests that the osteopath must perform initial consultation prior to offering any treatment. By discussing the health condition of a patient, the osteopath can offer customized treatment to each patient.

Here at Osteopath Sutherland Shire, all our osteopaths are qualified and licensed to offer osteopathic treatment.

When to see an Osteopath?

Osteopathic Shoulder Treatment Osteopath Sutherland Shire

Osteopathic treatment may help you while getting yourself relieved from a variety of ailments. It allows restoring mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing of a person. Here at Osteopath Sutherland Shire,our highly trained osteopaths focus on the spine, joints, muscles, and spine while treating various disorders.

If osteopathy is so beneficial, the question arises that what is the right time to see an osteopath. To assist you in this regard, here are some of the instances where you should prefer to visit an osteopath as early as possible.

  • Minor injury, which has a tendency to worsen when left untreated
  • Suffering from on-going pain
  • You are a sports person or live an active lifestyle and want to avoid injuries
  • Want to improve your posture or mobility
  • Felling chronic or acute migraine and headaches
  • any pain head to toe
  • Looking for Preventive measures to avoid any ailment

Apart from the above-mentioned disorders, you can seek the benefits of osteopathy in various other ways. Some of the most common circumstances where you need to visit an osteopath are discussed below.

When suffering from Severe or Minor Headaches

There is a variety of reasons which may lead to a headache. This includes lack of oxygen, spine misalignment, malnutrition, or dehydration. If you are experiencing the symptoms of this disorder due to tension in the muscles and bones, an osteo can help you.

The osteopathic manipulation techniques used by an osteopath helps to improve the blood flow and increases the supply of oxygen. Apart from this, osteopathic treatment can reduce the tension and stress experienced by the nerves. Hence, it allows the nervous system to perform its functions properly. 

When you Want to Ease your Sciatica Pain

The stress felt by sciatic nerve leads to the sciatica pain. The patient experiences a debilitating and sharp pain that shoots down the leg. There are numerous ways in which this nerve gets damaged. Some of these issues include slipped disc or pinched nerve.

If you are facing this issue, visit an osteopath without wasting any time. At Osteopath Sutherland Shire, our experienced and skilled osteopaths will identify the cause of this ailment and offer customized treatment.

Chronic Lumbar Back Pain 

Chronic back pain or lumbar back pain is a disturbing disorder, which relates to spine problems. Bad posture, unhealthy lifestyle, fatigue are some of the major causes of such a pain. A qualified osteopath is capable of identifying the root cause of this ailment and treating it by applying osteopathic manipulative techniques.

Address the Mobility Issues

The mobility issues may appear after an injury or ailment. This includes a restricted range of motion, where you are unable to move your legs or arms beyond a certain limit. The patient usually experiences this issue in the areas close to the arms, shoulder, and neck.

In order to address this disorder, you need to see an osteopath. Your osteo will treat the joints and bones with a view to relax them. As a result, you will experience a considerable neck, back, and knee pain relief.

Muscle or Joint Pain 

Muscle or joint pain is usually related to the age factor, as most of the older adults experience it due to the wear and tear of various joints or muscles. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that young people can’t face this problem. Therefore, if you want to relieve yourself from muscle or joint pain, it’s time to see an osteopath.

Want to Recover from an Accident Injury

If you have received an accident injury, it may affect the functioning of your musculoskeletal system. Besides the physical impacts of such an injury, you may also come across some kind of nerve damage. In this condition, visiting an osteopath is a viable option.

Your osteo can help you to recover from the disorders and trauma associated with the accident injury. Moreover, an osteopathcan also diagnose the issue, which is causing chronic neck pain or back pain.

When you want to live an Active Lifestyle

Even if you are not suffering from any ailment or disorder, it is still beneficial to see an osteopath. For instance, if you want to live a healthy and active life, an osteopath can help you achieve this goal.

Athletes and sportspersons can also take advantage of osteopathic manipulative treatment. It helps to improve their performance and reduces the chances of any injury.

By receiving this therapy at Osteopath Sutherland Shire, you can experience a long-term neck, shoulder, back, and hip pain relief. This is a non-invasive treatment, which means that you won’t feel any kind of pain when receiving this therapy.

What are the Benefits of Cranial Therapy in Osteopathy?

Cranial Osteopathic Treatment

What are the Benefits of Cranial Therapy in Osteopathy?

Also known as cranial osteopathy or CST, Craniosacral Therapy is an ideal treatment in the areas of rehabilitation, pain, and neurology. It is a non-invasive, gentle, and hands-on technique, developed almost a hundred years ago by some experienced osteopaths.

The theory behind CST is based on the understanding of continuous and subtle movements of the cranial bones. Osteopaths applying this technique must understand the rhythm of such movements. This rhythm responds to the fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) present in the brain and spinal cord.

During cranial osteopathy treatment, the therapist works gently on the whole body including the skull and the spine. The treatment also involves manipulation of cranial diaphragms, sutures, and fascia.

Therapists use their hands as the discriminating tools, which helps them to detect the noticeable abnormalities in the cranial sacral rhythm. As a result, therapists can identify and treat soft tissue restrictions.

How Treatment Works

The craniosacral tissues may tend to constrict or tighten up due to stress, injury or tension. As a result, the central nervous system feels the strain, which affects the overall functioning of the body.

During cranial osteopathy, therapists diagnose the issue and release tension or stress by using their hands. This helps to reduce any stress or tension felt by the central nervous system.

The major focus of cranial osteopathy treatment is on the craniosacral tissues, which surrounds the spine and skull.

Techniques and Methods

While receiving the session of craniosacral therapy, the patient lies down on a table with the back facing downward. The patient stays fully clothed during the entire session, which may last up to 45 minutes. The therapist gently places his/her hands on the patient’s skull.

After that, the practitioner applies a little amount of pressure on the skull and manipulates the muscles to release tension. It helps to enhance the flow of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the craniosacral system.

These non-invasive and subtle adjustments are also made on the spinal area, especially on the lower back and sacrum. The cranial osteopathy treatment ensures the following positive outcomes after a couple of sessions.

  • Helps to release myofascial restrictions, tensions, and other abnormalities
  • Restores the position of misaligned bones to
  • Minimizes the nerve restrictions
  • Restores natural cranial mobility
  • Increases cerebrospinal fluid movement

When to See an Osteopath

When you are suffering from any of these abnormalities or disorders, it is essential to visit an osteopathic facility without any delay.

  • Infant feeding and latching problems
  • Recurrent ear infections
  • Birth traumas
  • Concussion and post-concussion symptoms
  • Joint/muscle pain or injury
  • Gross and fine motor Issues
  • Stress disorders, Headaches, and insomnia
  • Vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss
  • TMJ syndrome and Learning disabilities including A.D.D., A.D.H.D;
  • Various other pain syndromes and neurological conditions

Physical benefits of Cranial Osteopathy

Due to the importance of the central nervous system, any disorder or abnormality associated with this system may cast a negative impact on our overall health. When a qualified and skilled therapist offers cranial osteopathy treatment, it can ensure desired physical benefits.

This therapy can show positive effects when it comes to relieving stress, and tension on the central nervous system. The CST treatment also lowers the sensation of pain caused due to either an acute injury or chronic misalignment. Since this practice is non-invasive, you won’t feel any pain or discomfort while receiving the treatment.

Mental and Emotional benefits of Cranial Osteopathy

When your body is under stress or pain, it will have some emotional consequences. Majority of craniosacral therapists believe that physical disorder may lead to emotional pain such as anxiety, depression, trauma or grief.

Cranial therapy helps to relieve mental stress and tension, allowing the patient to forget about their past emotional pain. Moreover, this treatment helps to lower the depression and anxiety caused by chronic ailments.

Why Us

If you wonder which cranial osteopathy near me in Miranda is the best, don’t look any further, as we are the professional service provider in this area. Here at Osteopath Sutherland Shire Miranda, you can receive top-notch cranial therapy treatment.

We know that facing pain and discomfort turns out to be unpleasant and difficult. Hence, we offer the services of the best osteopath with a view to provide consistent relief from such circumstances.

For more information, you can visit our osteopathic facility in Miranda.


Cranial Osteopathy proves to be beneficial when treating various disorder and abnormalities associated with the malfunctioning of the nervous system. This treatment focuses on the positioning of the spine and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The cranial osteopathy treatment is a non-invasive and effective way to deal with various disorders and relieves the patient from pain, stress, and tension.